Wednesday, August 4, 2010

After much searching for organizing your home and life on-line, I've come across a great site.

I'ver really been trying to follow it and set up my routines and document my progress so I can look back and feel accomplishment.  So the first day of the FlyLady Baby Steps she directs you to shine your sink.  So, I shined my sink.  What a difference it makes.  Also, it encourages me to keep up with my dishes everyday - Mount Dish would often become overwhelming when I wasn't keeping up.  See how I transformed my not-so-pretty sink to a gleaming beacon of clean.
Left: The sink before the cleaning.  Right: After the clean.  So, before isn't that bad...from a distance.
Up closer tells a different story.  Left: There's lots of hard water stains and lime build-up.  Right:  It took a lot of scrubbing and scraping to get this area shining.
Even the divider between the sinks needed some help.  Left: Lots of build-up.  Right: All clean...and shining.

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